Political Monitoring for Public Affairs & Public Relations Consultancies

Public Relations Consultancies play a crucial role in shaping the way organisations are perceived by the public, while Public Affairs consultancies must monitor legislative developments and provide the political insights that might affect this public perception. 

Navigating the political terrain requires consultancies to be agile, informed, and strategically astute. The challenge of political monitoring for Public Affairs and Public relations consultancies lies in the sheer volume and velocity of political developments, making it arduous for consultancies to maintain an up-to-date and comprehensive understanding without substantial resources.

Dods Political Monitoring empowers consultancies by offering tailored intelligence solutions that cut through the noise to deliver clear, actionable insights. Our services are designed to enhance the efficacy of public affairs and public relations strategies, offering tools that:

  • Track and analyse legislative change in a timely manner
  • Provide custom alerts and briefings
  • Provide expert analysis and contextual insights

Leveraging a combination of human intelligence and cutting-edge technology, Dods Political Intelligence’s proprietary platform delivers relevant policy information. 

Whether sourced from parliament, Dods political consultants, or the thousands of third-party sources we monitor, we help you to keep track of the latest developments and adjust your client’s strategy accordingly.

To help you stay ahead, Dods also provides diaries of stakeholder and political events, bespoke round-ups of the latest developments, and timely research and analysis.

Support from Dods ensures that you can be confident in advising your clients while creating the most appropriate PR or Public Affairs strategy for them.

With Dods Political Monitoring, your consultancy can enhance its advisory capabilities, ensuring that your clients are always one step ahead. Our insights help you build robust strategies that navigate regulatory changes effectively, offering a clear competitive advantage in the realm of public affairs and public relations.

Leaders and changemakers across a wide variety of sectors choose our tailored, expert political intelligence and insights.

Dods packages can be tailored according to the numbers of different clients or verticals that you work with, ensuring monitoring for your entire diverse client base.

Every consultancy has different requirements, so our range of plans are designed to ensure you find the right one for you. Get in touch to book a trial today.