Tailored EU political monitoring services

By combining our political monitoring platform with our EU in-house policy experts, you can stay informed about the updates that matter to you. Be proactive with your institutional and stakeholder monitoring, and get the personalised insights from EU legislation you need. 

With thorough, in-depth, and prompt insights into political and policy changes with Dods EU political monitoring service, you can keep on top of every change and development.  You will also benefit from tailored real-time alerts on policy developments, including legislative updates, parliamentary questions, and resolutions. 

  • We cut through the noise to deliver relevant updates on the legislative and political issues that affect you. Make the right decisions quickly, with fast, accurate and objective personalised alerts on the issues that affect you
  • Get access to a comprehensive diary of scheduled activities of EU institutions, political groups, think tanks and trade associations due in the month ahead every Monday
  • A comprehensive guide to the institutional week ahead, delivered every Friday, including all business on the agenda of the Commission, Council and European Parliament
  • Weekly round-up of the key personnel changes in EU institutions
  • Weekly update on the status of the major legislative files published every Friday

Human intelligence is always part of the package. You will be receive tailored alerts that match your everyday work, alongside regular consultant support who will have sectoral experience

Our political monitoring service includes the ability to call your consultant or account manager within standard working hours. Get their insights into political procedure, or the latest legislative developments, and leverage their expertise on the potential impact of your future campaigns.

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Igor Kostadinovski

Head of EU Political Intelligence

Igor Kostadinovski is the Head of EU Political Intelligence in Brussels. He is responsible for the business and financial services portfolio and advises clients on a range of policy developments including financial and corporate reporting, banking, capital markets, FinTech, taxation and anti-money laundering. Igor holds a law degree from the University of Novi Sad, Serbia, and master in European and International Law with a specialisation in Foreign Trade and Investment from the Europa-Institut of the Saarland University. Prior to joining Dods in 2017, he was a Blue-Book trainee at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs.

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Jenni Kortelainen

Team Leader & Political Consultant

Jenni Kortelainen is a team leader and a principal consultant in the EU Monitoring team. She is responsible for the financial services and corporate governance portfolio. Prior to rejoining Dods in 2024, Jenni worked at internationally renowned Brussels consultancies advising clients on EU and global health and pharmaceutical policy and public affairs. She holds a BA in Politics from SOAS, University of London and an MA in European Studies from KU Leuven.

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Monica Gamba

Team Leader & Political Consultant

Monica Gamba is the Political Consultant for agriculture, fisheries, food and animal welfare at EU Political Intelligence in Brussels. Monica holds a BA from Padua University and a MA from Aalborg University, Denmark. Before joining Dods in October 2021, she completed traineeships at the International Polar Foundation in Brussels, which manages the Belgian Princess Elisabeth Station in Antarctica, and worked for the Thule Institute at the University of the Arctic in the North of Finland. During this time, Monica was also a member of the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS BE) Bureau. She then completed a traineeship at the Council of the EU in DG LIFE, Agriculture Fisheries, Social Affairs and Health. Outside of work, Monica enjoys reading, painting, and hiking in nature.

Leaders and changemakers across a wide variety of sectors choose our tailored, expert political intelligence and insights.