Establishing a European Defence Industry Programme

On July 24, the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy received a detailed presentation from Mr. Timo Pesonen on the proposed European Defence Industry Programme (EDIP). Key points included the need for a unified approach to address urgent requirements, particularly in the context of the Ukraine conflict, and the call for enhanced cooperation among EU Member States.

Key highlights from the presentation:

●       Urgent need for a unified approach toaddress geopolitical challenges.

●       Importance of inter-Committeecollaboration for maximum effectiveness.

●       Emphasis on continuous support acrossall industry levels, including smaller firms.

●       Calls for increased investment, jointprojects, and leveraging existing structures and funding.

●       Addressing significant capabilitygaps, particularly in ammunition production.

●       Balancing military spending with peaceefforts and economic challenges.

●       Enhancing integration with candidate countriesfrom the Western Balkans.

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